Optimizing Options

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

There are few ways to handle website development: Content Management Systems, hand-coding, or HTML editors. If you're anything like me, you probably don't know what I just said, so let's go through it together. For starters, the internet is based in coding languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (I learned JavaScript on a whim almost a year ago and I highly recommend it for anyone interested in web design, no matter how in-depth you plan to be). Front-end site development defines the visual aspects of the interface while backend controls the websites technology and functionality.

Content Management Systems (CMS) are publishing platforms, like this WordPress blog or my SquareSpace website, that are easy to use for anyone without coding experience. They allow hosts to edit and maintain their online content without virtually any web knowledge. A CMS typically comprises of a content management application (or CMA) which allows a user to modify web content for front-end development and a content delivery application (CDA) that coordinates backend development, such as technology updates.

These platforms also typically offer a variety of templates with unique features and plugins. However, CMS's can be more customizable with additional coding. In addition to publication, Content Management Systems often include format management, search and indexing options, revision features, content hierarchy and more.

There are also HTML editors (such as Dreamweaver) that allow you to create personalized websites. HTML editors offer templates as a starting point to reduce the amount of time spent writing code. Similar to the "TryIt Editor" on W3Schools for practicing codes, an HTML editor shows the simulated browser based on your current coding input. HTML editors are used more by professionals in Software Engineering or Web Development, thus infrequently used by anyone else.

Hand-coding is tedious, but many coders borrow pieces of code from other sites as a base template for their new site designs. Although time-consuming, hand-coding can be beneficial for a number of reasons. Hand-coding allows website developers to use features not support by CMS platforms, produce more efficient code for maintenance and site upkeep, increase site performance, avoid certain editor fees, and allows more refined control of the performance and functionality of the website.

However, hand code does not allow for editing tools and must be written, edited, and maintained by hand (as the name would suggest). Though coding can be copied from other sources, the code must be written in a human-readable programming language without the integration of computer-derived code. Some projects may integrate hand code and computer-derived code.

But what's the difference between these for creating your own website? HTML editors might be ideal for creating minimalistic sites that won't need frequent updates, but business may require a more dynamic option like CMS (or hand-coding, if they have the time and money) which allows for multiple pages, shopping features, and future revisions.

On the contrary, CMS platforms use templates so your website won't be unique without some additional coding. HTML editors and hand-coding allow for a more individualized site, with additional time in pre-production designing, which could be costly.

CMS platforms offer multi-user support so your business can create user accounts with specific roles, which comes in handy for business sites needing frequent updates or article publication. You can also preview your website as you modify with CMS sooner than with hand-coding or HTML editors.


From Antics to Semantics: HTML5


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